Roastinstep (R)

Continuous roasting is made possible with FCD’s patented RoastinStep because all roasters currently available face the following challenges:

Necessity to reduce energetic consumption1-well thought staircase design with low energy impact
2-Reuse of heat generated into the system
CO2 emissions created by gas powered systemsElectricity as a main source of energy
Batch roasters create too much inertiaRoast performed in thin layer
Batch roasters and paddles break delicate productsVibrating conveying with steps to ensure mixing
Most roasters lose energyInlet product gets heated by upward steam
Air to product ratio does not allow to develop particular flavorsPrecise control by zone over injected and extracted hot air.

Continous Roasting and more

The continuous process RoastinStep features numerous practical advantages because our company uses its own machines in our service center.

Generally a continuous system is required to maximize productivity for a minimal operating cost. That is to say an easy and quick cleaning, low maintenance and handling.

Conveying by vibration allows to treat a large variety of products, even the most delicate. this conveying solution also makes raosting is thin layer possible, consequently it ensure a homogeneous roast.

The use of electricity avoids CO2 emissions and having to deal with burnt gases. Different zones were created on the sides of the tower to insert heating and extracting vents. thus, the air flow is entirely adjustable to create the desired roast profile and develop certains flavors. Non vibrating and insulated doors close the tower for energetical efficiency and maximum safety. A recirculation air system using a cyclone and filter to reuse some of the calories.

nut roasting

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Seed roasting, cofee roasting, peanut roaster, cocoa continuous roaster Roaster for almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts. Roasting equipment for cereals. Electrical roaster for energy savings. High yield roasting equipment. Sustainable roaster. Innovative and ecological toasting.